I aim to make you look good to those that matter to you.
Through a funfamily oriented, interactive Magic show , I make smiles appear, produce memories and  make your worries vanish!
My greatest ambition is to help YOU have the most successful event possible!
Everyone loves Magic, and you will reap the rewards of the laughter and amazement filling your event!

CNY Magic features Bruce Purdy. Watch the short video above to learn more.

About the Central New York Magic Theatre Co.

The Central New York Magic Theatre Company was formed in 2010, to be of service to school groups, other clubs and the community at large. We bring smiles, laughter and wonder to the audience, whilst helping to maximise a successful event for our sponsor.

Owner / Magician Bruce Purdy has been performing Magic professionally since the early 70’s, although his love of the art extends for a decade before that.

Bruce also has also been involved in all aspects of Theatre from managing theatres to acting, to serving as the technical Director of an historic opera house.

Bringing together these diverse talents, and those of others, We specialise in helping school groups and others raise money by sponsoring a fun, interactive family show. The sponsor raises funds, whilst the community has the opportunity to see Magic presented with a theatrical twist.

Events of all kinds throughout Central New York – including Festivals, Libraries, company picnics and even private parties – also enjoy our highly exciting and funny entertainment as well.

We also provide Technical Support for theatre groups in the region.